
laser epilation

Find out which 3 most important laser epilation rules Medibella follows.

/Epilation means: body and face without hairs/

Laser hair removal is a permanent, final solution to the problem of hairiness in women and men. We at the Medibella go one step further. Our solution is effective, least painful, and long-lasting.

How many people have been disappointed by laser ineffectiveness in treating lighter hairs?! Medibella offers everyone a chance to be successfully epilated. All hair colours, all skin tones.

If you do not like compromises in other areas of life and strive for impeccable quality, count on laser hair removal as your way to get that beautiful, smooth skin. However, the methods of hair removal vary a lot.

What is important here:

  • Safety
  • Sparing you the pain
  • Speed

It’s our Medibella 3S signature treatment.

Such high-quality hair removal without compromise will be offered to you in the luxurious rooms of a villa in Dedinje, adapted to Medibella standards.

After long research and careful selection, we have now joined a very small group of the ones truly excelling in hair removal. Your reason for choosing us may very well be that we have chosen a state-of-the-art laser boasting many advantages. Let us start with mentioning a larger number of necessary wavelengths.

This is important because in addition to very black hairs we can now also treat lighter hairs. Moreover, we also have a third necessary wavelength for treating even the most difficult cases, dark hairs on darker skin. Perhaps dark hairs cause more attention and you would rather remove them.

It should be done also as comfortably as possible, or rather sparing you as much pain as possible, since, let us admit, any effective laser intervention still hurts. We are following the trends and taking steps to reduce that pain through additional cooling and still keep being equally effective.


Who exactly is laser epilation intended for?

As for the ladies , apart from hair and eyebrows, they consider all other hairs undesirable. From face to feet.

And the gentlemen, when Nature exaggerates the attributes of masculinity in the form of excessive body hair, they consider epilation, at least in zones. What can be treated:

  • your neck,
  • your back,
  • your belly,
  • upper arms,
  • fingers…
  • and your face – when your beard reaches your cheekbones

Medibella hair removal for young people “19-25”

During puberty, and even more so after puberty, all girls become aware of their unwanted hairs and start taking some steps to remove them. Laser hair removal is truly and firmly on the throne and ruling over all other hair removal techniques. What is more, it is also a permanent solution. The laser that is used needs to be of best possible quality, because it provides 3 most important advantages. It is well worth saving and cashing in on gifts in order to achieve relief and gain freedom from those problems. It is also worth looking into our special package for first epilations, fittingly named “19-25”.

Advanced laser technology today offers all the comfort in fulfilling the wishes of permanent hair removal, and that is why we carefully chose Diolaze, by the world-renowned Israeli brand Inmode, which is also highly appreciated for its excellent Morpheus 8 fractional microneedling (link) and Lumeca treatments. Although it all seems so easy, we must say that it takes about 4 visits to get rid of all your hairs. This is because not all hairs are susceptible to epilation at the same time.

They are in different stages of growth, so we have to time the treatments to catch them all in their growth phase.

  • Anagen phase lasts 3-5 years for hair, and as for hairs on the arms, legs and eyebrows it is only 30-45 days; 84% of the hairs is in this stage.
  • Catagen phase is the end of the growth period and the follicles prepare to rest; the phase lasts for 1-3 weeks, and 2% of the hairs is in this stage.
  • Telogen phase is the resting phase at the end of which the hairs completely separate from the root and shed; it lasts for 3-4 months. Hairs fall out and new ones start to grow; 14% of the hair is in this stage.

Why are we mentioning this now? So that you can understand in a few sentences why epilation takes months, and why you cannot simply get rid of all your hairs at once. That is why the epilation package offered by Medibella is important when it comes to larger areas of your skin.

As we recommend hair removal, we have also made a list of the most common problems you might have.

  • Hairs as a serious hairiness problem inherited from a manly dad. Everything gets in the way, from the face and  sideburns to the hairy arms and legs;
  • Hairy legs and arms are the main problem with which the need for epilation begins;
  • Hairy armpits.

Underarm hair is a normal thing and still it bothers everyone.

Even the most delicate of girls, natural blondes and brunettes, cannot be free of underarm hair. Men hate them just as much. Maybe evolution found hairy armpits of some benefits for us, but today, they just get in the way. After epilation, it is good to think about Neurotoxin for the armpits. It is used for excessive sweating of the armpits or for unpleasant odour that some people are prone to, regardless of hygiene.

What to do before coming for epilation

It is important:

  • That hairs were not depilated but shaved no longer than 24 hours before arriving for epilation;
  • That there are no inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • That you did not sunbathe or go to a tanning salon for 3 weeks before that

After epilation, treat the skin with Panthenol cream and avoid sunbathing for 2 weeks.


Our customer care team is conscientious and responds quickly to requests during clinic hours. We don’t want to delay your problems, so requests that are received outside of the clinic’s working hours will be solved as soon as possible!